Wednesday, August 6, 2008

It has begun...

I am back at work for day number 2. To be completely honest, aside from the busy work and trying to get my unorganized self presentable to parents who are entrusting their children to me, I am enjoying being back at work. I love the people that I work with and don't realize how much I have missed them until I see them again.

Open house is tomorrow night and I am far from ready! My classroom has the desks out, but there is still a ton that needs to be completed before parents are ready to enter my door. I have no doubt that it will get ready though. I work best under last minute pressure! ;-)

In other news, I found out today that I made an A in both of my final graduate classes! That means that I will be able to walk in graduation on Friday night. More importantly, I will be getting the raise that comes with completing a master's degree. That should make things much more comfortable for me financially.

The kids come back Monday, so say a small prayer for me that I will be the teacher and role model these kids deserve. Sometimes I wonder if I am being what I should be for the kids. I love my job, even though I take a lot of heat for having summers off. There is enough pressure placed on a teacher the other 10 months of the year that those 2 months are a welcome break. There is a reason that 50% of teachers leave the profession within the first five years. I am starting my 5th year, so if I come back for a sixth I have beaten the odds.


Courtney said...

I am sure that you are an awesome role model. I met my "shnookies" today and I am already in love. Hall county is definately my new home and hopefully it will pull me through these next couple of "iffy" years in the profession. Have an awesome Open House and a fabulous first day of school! Good Luck!