Tuesday, August 12, 2008

1 down, 179 to go! ...... haha

I survived my first day of school! Is it still okay to say that as you begin your fifth year? FIFTH YEAR.....what!! I am getting old!

I have co-taught for the past two years in a special education classroom. This year they are trusting me to run an entire classroom by myself. It is going to be different because I do not have my buddy to bounce things off of and joke around with in the classroom. I was reminded yesterday just how lonely the teaching profession can be when you are holed up in a classroom by yourself all day.

I am tired today though. I have to get used to getting up early again! 5:30 came early yesterday morning and by the end of the school day I was ready to go home and take a long nap. Instead, I went to workout then to the final softball game of the season. I got home around 10:30 and passed out pretty much as soon as my head hit the pillow.

5:30 came even earlier this morning.......I am paying for yesterday today. Today, my only extracurricular activity is a workout. Then I get to go home and rest for the night.

My weekend was crazy as well, though I can barely remember what I did, which is sad. There was alcohol involved, but none of it was consumed by me. For that reason I should be well aware of everything that happened.

Friday night, graduation......Saturday night, UFC 87.......Sunday night, Pineapple Express. Seriously that is about all that I remember of this past weekend. Sad huh? Well there are little bits that I remember about each, but each of those deserve their own blog post. I need something to write about for the next few days anyways.

So the school year has begun and I am happy to be back at work, even though it means I don't get to sleep past 6:00AM.