Tuesday, September 1, 2009

In Need of a Spark

Have you ever been at a place in your life where things feel both hectic and boring at the same time? I feel at this point in my life like I am running around like a crazy person and doing nothing. I am getting somethings done here and there but I spend most of my time feeling like I am lost. I am still teaching Sunday school and Wednesday night Bible study at the church, playing co-ed softball on Thursday, working out pretty much every evening, playing guitar pretty much every night, but I just feel like I am spinning my wheels.

School has started back so I am of course worried about my students and how they are doing in the classroom and Keeley is almost here which has me worried/excited. There are a lot of things going on around me and I feel like I am in the eye of a hurricane. Everyone is moving around me with a purpose and I just feel "blah" about life. I am having fun and doing everything that I want to do (except sleeping) but for the first time in a while I do not feel like I am working toward my goals.

I guess I am just posting because I haven't in six weeks and feel like I should. Maybe I am looking for advice from people who have been in this position. I am not unhappy, but I honestly do not feel happy either. I am not whining about my situation because I know I have it good and I thank God for that! If it all falls apart tomorrow, I will still have to thank God for the life he has given me!

I am excited about Keeley getting here and hope that she is the spark that I need to get my tail in gear. Maybe there is another spark, I dont know. I need something though.....


Beth said...

What are your goals? What should you be working towards? Set a goal for yourself, if you have not. Give yourself the spark you need, you have all the power to make the change you need.
Feeling lost is normal and everyone goes through it at sometime or another. I know I have, but it is all part of the journey. I tried to use the time I felt I was ideling in place to reflect and plan where I did want to go when I did start moving again. Once you have a plan it is easier to set it in motion.
Hope this helps.

Anonymous said...

i miss you. lj

Josh Carpenter said...

lj, nothing has changed for me. You know how to contact me.

Myagreen said...

Thanks for sharing. It is give me a lot of thinking about the life.